Utility Bill Webinar

Facebook Live

Please join State Rep. Justin Slaughter and representatives from your local utility providers to find out how YOU can save more money on your
monthly bills!

Open Enrollment Q/A with Get Covered Illinois

Facebook Live

Open enrollment for the ACA Health Insurance Marketplace runs through Dec. 15. Join State Rep. Justin Slaughter for a virtual Q&A to learn more about your options for health insurance!   Location: facebook.com/RepJustinSlaughter Zoom Login Link: https://zoom.us/j/99008967877?pwd=dU5BWnV3cHE4bnE3RG84em93c1R5Zz09 Meeting ID: 990 0896 7877 | Passcode: 906003 Zoom Dial-in Info: +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) For more information, please call my district office at 773-445-9700 or send an email to [email protected].